Weekends are for Browsing

Hello Readers,

   Its the weekend and I love spending a little extra time browsing the internet for fun stuff to enjoy and relax reading or looking at while I drink my coffee. Here is some fun stuff I have been looking at this week.

I am so excited that my favorite Masterpiece show is coming back in October. Where are my Poldark fans?

We are going on a vacation at the end of August to Seattle and I can't wait to visit the first Starbucks. Please share your favorite book store and coffee shop recommendations. I can't wait to explore a new city and drink as much coffee as I can.

My friend and I ordered this adorable shirt this week and I can't wait for it to come in.

I am reading the new release book list for September trying to see what I want to read. I just love new release lists and I can't wait to read some more new books.

What is catching your eye on the internet this week?

Happy Reading,


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