Review for Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout

Good Morning Readers
Today I am sharing my review for Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout

1/5 stars

Favorite Quotes:

"It was not Tommy’s nature to regret things, and on the night of the fire in the midst of his galloping fear - he understood that all that mattered in this world were his wife and his children, and he thought that people lived their whole lives not knowing this as sharply and constantly as he did. “ page 6

“The more he understood that he could not understand this confusing contest between good and evil, and that maybe people were not meant to understand things here on earth” page 14

“We’re all just a mess, Angelina, Trying as hard as we can, we love imperfection.” Page 54

“Everyone she understood was mainly and mostly interested in themselves” page 54

“How do you ever know? You never knew anything, and anyone who thought they knew anything well they were in for a great surprise.” Page 129


Anything is Possible was the Modern Mrs Darcy book club pick for July. I was interested to read this short story collection because it was based on characters and stories from Strouts previous work My Name is Lucy Barton which I read a few months back and enjoyed. I thought My Name is Lucy Barton was well written and very thought provoking and a book I think about on a regular basis because it was interesting to me. Since I enjoyed My Name is Lucy Barton I thought that my feelings would be similar to Anything is Possible. Boy was I wrong. 

Here is a little information about the book. It is a collection of short stories written about the people who either intersect with the Barton family or have some connection with the family through the small town they grew up in. It is a thin volume at only 254 pages so my distaste for this book is not due to its size. 

Short stories are not my favorite to read. Right when I am connecting with the characters or figuring out what is going on the story ends and another short story is beginning. The main reason I did not find this book to my taste was because at times it creeped me out and at other times it totally confused me. While reading the short story Cracked was when things started really going down hill for me on this book. That story was very odd and creepy and I skipped a lot because I did not feel like I needed to know what was going on with those characters. I will say that Strouts writing is very engaging and that you feel present in every moment whether you want to or not.

I did finish the book so I could participate in the discussion with my book club but I do not think I would have if it had not been for my desire to participate in the book club participation. It was actually so fun to see my book club so divided on this book with some people saying that this was their favorite book of the year or some people saying they abandoned it entirely. For that reason maybe the book isn’t all that bad because our discussion was very lively. 

Please share in the comments your thoughts on this book. I am not sure if you can sway me but I would love for you to try. 


  1. I'm so excited to see that your blog is up! I've been lurking on your instagram and can't comment because I don't have an account.
    While I liked the book, I do agree that I would just start to get interested in the characters and well...the story ended and the next started. And "penis house"? I'm not sure if I laughed because it was so outlandish or if I was completely caught off guard with that, I don't know. It was a simple-ish book for someone who won a that regard it wasn't what I was expecting.

  2. I'm not a fan of short stories either. I am planning to read MY NAME IS LUCY BARTON, so I'm glad to know you liked that one.


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